The Jiminny Salesforce App
Integrate Jiminny insights into the Salesforce environment to unlock even more efficiency. Housing all Jiminny's most critical customer intel in Salesforce means your team are never without the information they need to win more deals.
What does the Jiminny Salesforce App do?
Consolidate your workflow, staying within your familiar Salesforce environment while gaining deep insights into customer interactions,
team performance and deal progress.
Analyze Jiminny calls from Salesforce
Play and analyze Jiminny recordings directly in your Salesforce account for a consolidated and comprehensive customer record.
Reporting any way you like
15 standard reports in an instant, plus the option to generate your own custom reports on any Jiminny call.
Forecast with confidence
Review key deals in detail to evaluate the likelihood of your forecasts being accurate.
Integrate Jiminny meeting data directly into your Salesforce environment, to have all the most critical insights right where they belong. Automated meeting notes, summaries and action points are auto-logged to Account records, while conversation insights are logged to Contacts.
You've never been so up to date, and in the loop.
See the Salesforce App in action
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