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The Evolution of Sales: Key Actions for Navigating Today's Market

  • May 26, 2023
  • 2 minutes

Across the market, buyers and sellers are facing high targets, evolving team needs, top-down pressures to automate and streamline, and time limitations like we have never known. 

Each purchase decision carries with it more weight than ever before, as the costly threat of undoing onboarding looms.

It's no wonder every deal is taking longer and involving more stakeholders. So with more eyes on each deal, how can your sales team navigate this shifting landscape and nurture a healthy pipeline?

The first of our Revenue Unlocked events pitched the question to an expert panel to find out. 

Give your prospect the business case

Everyone is busy, so make your client's life easier. Whether it's a brand new prospect or a client considering a renewal, hand them the business case for the decision, with everything they could possibly need to get sign-off. If you're doing the heavy lifting for them, they can focus on getting it over the line with the leverage you don't have. 

As budgets tighten, ROI is crucial, so while problem-solving is important make sure this is a focus for the case you give. 

Rapport, rapport, rapport

An oldie but a goldie, relationship building with prospects and clients remains a key component to guaranteed revenue. Make sure you have a strong understanding of your personas and can engage prospects in two-way communication about their pain points. 

Getting them to open up is crucial to offering them the right solution, so building rapport and trust is a priority.

Making your time valuable

Knowing which accounts to spend time and energy on is critical in the current sales landscape. Don't be afraid to disqualify leads quicker than ever before, this is very much a time for quality over quantity in your pipeline. 

Recognizing the difference between a 'good call' because a prospect was friendly and a 'good call' because there was genuine need and potential will make more of the time you and your sales team have.

A holistic approach to revenue

Work with all departments to make sure everyone is doing their bit in revenue generation. Without pointing fingers, open up the conversation:
Is your product marketing communicating what you need it to?
Is the product fit for purpose?
Is CS focusing enough on renewals?

Engaging the whole company in the push for revenue will make your efforts more sustainable in the long term.

Key takeaways 

#1 To action today

Do a quick check on your tech - is it making your life easier or creating work around work?
Make sure you are only automating and integrating in areas that make your life easier. 

#2 To action this week

Work on the fundamentals - review your sales training and sales team coaching processes to make sure your people have access to the learning and skills they need.

#3 To action this month

Revisit your offering with a holistic view - consider your product, the problem it solves and the business case for your ICP. It only works when it all works so engage wider departments to fix any areas you're not meeting market needs. 

Want to hear more from the best in the industry? We’ve got more event news coming soon so keep an eye on our social channels for all the latest. 

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