
How to implement a conversation intelligence platform | Jiminny

Written by Jiminny Blog | May 21, 2024 1:43:44 PM

In revenue, you know the importance of understanding your team's conversations with prospects and customers. 

These conversations hold the key to uncovering insights and coaching opportunities that could be the reason you win or lose that next deal. Because there’s nothing more frustrating than reps making the same mistakes again and again, or not learning from past experiences.

So you’re looking into conversation intelligence platforms?

By automatically recording, transcribing, and analyzing sales calls, these powerful tools provide a wealth of data that can help you improve your team's performance and drive revenue growth.

But implementing a new tool like conversation intelligence (CI) can be daunting, especially for those who are new to the technology. In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of successfully implementing a conversation intelligence tool into your revenue team, to ensure maximum adoption and impact.

This includes six key phases:
Information and introductions
Goal-setting and definitions 
Technical launch 
Team launch
Wrap-up and review


Phase 1: Information and introductions

The first step is to introduce everyone who will be involved or invested in the platform, to the contacts at the CI provider. Your primary stakeholders will likely be Sales and Revenue Managers, but CS, RevOps, Training and even CEO/Founders will benefits from the insights to come, so take some time to consider who should be involved.

This is an opportunity to learn about the tool, ask questions, and ensure that everyone is on the same page from the get-go.

During this phase, the CI provider will typically give an overview of their platform, its features, and how it can benefit each member of your team. They'll also explain the implementation process, timelines, and what will be required from your side.

Phase 2: Goal-setting and definitions 

Next, it's time to define your goals, key performance indicators (KPIs), and milestones for the conversation intelligence tool and your users. This step is crucial because it sets the foundation for measuring the tool's success and aligning it with your overall business objectives.

Work closely with the CI provider to identify what you want to achieve with the tool. 
Common goals or KPIs we see are targets to… 

  • Improve sales rep coaching?
  • Increase deal win rates?
  • Identify areas for process optimization? 

Once you've defined your goals, you can establish the KPIs and milestones that will help you track progress and measure success.

Remember - your CI provider should be working towards your business goals so make sure these are clear and measurable. If you’re not sure what yours are yet, we’d love to help - you can get in touch with the team here.

Phase 3: Technical launch 

During this phase, the CI provider will work with your business and revenue leaders to set up the platform. This includes creating user accounts with the correct permissions, integrating the tool with your existing tech stack (e.g. CRM, video conferencing software), and ensuring that everything is configured correctly.

This phase lays the groundwork for the successful adoption of the CI tool within your organization and will reduce the time to ROI.

Phase 4: Customization 

Once the technical setup is complete, it's time to customize the conversation intelligence tool to align with your specific needs and sales processes. This phase involves creating the structures against which call recordings will be analyzed, including frameworks and methodologies, keywords, and topics.

These structures and criteria will be used by the platform to analyze and rate the performance of reps in their customer interactions, which is why its so important they are finely tuned to your business. To find out more about how this works and how Automated Call Scores are produced, check out our guide here.

Work with the CI provider to define the key metrics, conversation topics, and elements that are most relevant to you This customization ensures that the tool provides actionable insights that can be achieved at scale.

Phase 5: Team launch 

This phase is all about getting buy-in from the revenue team members who will be the day-to-day users of the conversation intelligence tool. It's essential to convince them of the tool's benefits and why it's so important that they adopt it effectively.

The team launch involves training in two parts:

  • Part 1: Getting a basic understanding of the CI tool and how to start logging calls. This training should cover the fundamentals of using the tool, such as recording calls, accessing summaries, and navigating the platform.
  • Part 2: Diving deeper into how you can use conversation intelligence to coach and collaborate. This advanced training focuses on leveraging the tool's insights for sales coaching, identifying areas for improvement, and optimizing the sales process.

During this phase, it's crucial to address any concerns or objections your team may have about the tool. Emphasize the benefits they'll experience, such as more effective coaching, streamlined processes and automation, and improved data hygiene.

Phase 6: Wrap-up and review

After successfully launching the conversation intelligence tool in your revenue team, it's time for the onboarding wrap-up phase. During this stage, the key stakeholders from your business and the CI provider will come together to summarize everything that has been worked on so far.

This is an opportunity to review the implementation process, discuss any remaining questions or concerns, and ensure a smooth transition to the long-term support phase. The CI provider will typically assign a dedicated Customer Success Manager who will be your primary point of contact for ongoing support, training, and optimization.

We’ve helped hundreds of revenue teams adopt CI, across over 29 countries around the world. Revenue teams at Cision, PlanHat, Les Mills and Funding Circle have achieved fantastic revenue and performance results using Jiminny. By following this step-by-step guide, you too will be be well-prepared to navigate the implementation process, maximize adoption, and enjoy the full potential of this powerful technology too.

Remember, the key to success lies in clear communication, goal alignment, and a commitment to continuous improvement. With the right approach and a dedicated team, you can harness conversation intelligence to gain invaluable insights and drive revenue growth for your business.

Get in touch to find out about Jiminny’s conversation intelligence.