
Take the guesswork out of rep performance | Jiminny

Written by Giuliana Kiabi | Jul 13, 2023 9:49:00 AM

Data overload in sales and revenue operations

Modern life is overwhelming. And it's hard to cut through the noise and see the wood for the trees in what information is important to you. 

This is as true in your personal life as it is in your work life. In the world of sales, call recording and conversation intelligence platforms have evolved to provide insights into every customer interaction.

But with each added layer of visibility, the challenge of focus is heightened.

Where do I focus my sales coaching time to yield the maximum results?

What are the key headlines in what we have recorded?

And which pieces of data will actually improve my team's performance?

I have seen too many companies become victims of data overload. The harm this can do to a lucrative and well-performing business should not be underestimated. Time wasted, total data-blindness, and losing sight of what’s important can send you down the wrong path very quickly. Not to mention the lack of control you’ll feel in the process.

Over my years of working with clients, the biggest issue I have seen goes a little bit like this:


  • Jamie works for Dunder Mifflin, leading a sales team of 8 reps.
  • His target is $2M revenue.
  • He knows that to achieve this, each of his reps needs to hit an individual target of $250,000 sales through 50 calls and 5% conversion rate.

And while his pep talks each Monday and ad hoc advice might seem like they are helping his reps reach target, he has no way of knowing how effective their calls are. Are they sticking to sales methodologies? Do they know who holds the budget? Are they able to differentiate against competitors? 

This is where I help clients define... 


The metrics that matter

You need to connect the business outcome to the desired team performance - via clear metrics that assess progress in the right direction.

Incremental improvements can be seen almost instantly. We’re not talking about ‘just another dashboard here’. 

Business leaders are time-poor so maximizing your coaching time is essential to create high-performance revenue teams. Equally, having visibility of your pipeline is crucial but automation and efficiency are required to pinpoint specific deals that need support. 

Jiminny’s latest feature launch, Automated Call Scoring (ACS), was built to tackle these issues front-on. With clear expressions of actionable data, sales leader can make their business goals the centre of their efforts.

ACS provides instant, actionable scoring of every interaction a team makes, based on a bespoke scorecard of themes, topics and criteria specific to the business. These are and should be incredibly unique to each and every company, to accelerate the team’s progress. 


Now, I know what you’re thinking. A single scorecard can’t be relevant to every single customer interaction. There's no point in scoring xG in a swimming race. 

ACS means you can create scorecards for each activity type your team undertakes. This means you can get all the benefits of the feature across 

  • Business development, tracking prospect qualification
  • Sales, giving insight on deal progression and closing
  • Enablement for data-driven adoption
  • RevOps and CS for churn risk indicators
  • Marketing, harnessing the voice of customer



The defined outline of team behavior you receive gives easy insight across the business. Highlighting the areas for improvement which should demand more of your time, as well as benchmarking your team’s best practices. 

The days of data overload are done.

And thank god. 


Make data your secret coaching weapon, get in touch to book a demo.


Giuliana Ruocco is the Enterprise Client Success Manager at Jiminny. Recognized as an Elites CSM Awards Finalist in 2023 for her dedication to CS, Giuliana’s background in property, events and SaaS has primed her for helping clients find solutions, designing and implementing sustainable processes to foster long-term success.